Growing relationships through creative play
A program for carers/parents and their children aged 3-6 years
Families from diverse backgrounds are welcome.
This is a Communities for Children activity funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Visit for more information.
Register your interest
An art program designed for parents or carers and children
Creative Relationships gives a safe space for parents or carers and children to connect through art. Allowing your child to freely express themselves, whilst discovering boundaries, fine motor skills and sensory. Each week dives into a new focus to allow parents and children to explore their creativity.
Over 8 weeks, participants will receive:
8 x 1 hour face to face nature inspired art sessions for parents/carers and their children aged 3-6 (weekly sessions)
A participant workbook
A selection of resource boxes
A login to an online portal so if you do happen to miss a session, you can catch up online!
Building relationships through creative play
This is a Communities for Children activity funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Visit for more information.